Monday, April 22, 2013

A Day in the Life of Poca

A Day in the Life of Poca,
Manhasset Animal Hospital's Resident Cat

Hello Everyone!
I'm Pocahontas, but most of you know me as just Poca.  I'm a princess, just like my namesake, and I definitely get treated like one.  I'm 20-years-young, so I've been around.  I've found nothing beats the pampered life of Manhasset Animal Hospital's mascot and resident cat. 

Hanging out with Grace in reception, I get endless praise, loving, and petting from the clients that stop by.  When I'm tired of all the attention, I love to get in some beauty sleep in a sunny window, on a cozy cushion, or even on the cool floor.  I may be a princess, but I'll sleep just about anywhere, as long as I'm not disturbed. 

After my cat nap, I usually go on the prowl for a snack.  There is never a shortage of food here, but I love the thrill of sneaking around to find something delicious left over from the cage of a cat visitor who has just left.  Other times I will just bother the staff for morsels of kibble, and of course, they must oblige.  However, I especially love to pester Grace for a few bites of her scrumptious lunch.  How can she deny me such a delicacy?  I can't complain about my life here at my castle, the place you call Manhasset Animal Hospital.  After all, I am the pampered Princess Pocahontas.

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