Monday, April 29, 2013

Q&A with MAH: Heartworm

Q&A with MAH: Heartworm

Mosquito season is here, so make sure your dog is on heartworm prevention!
Q. What is Heartworm?
A. Heartworm is a parasitic roundworm (Dirofilaria immitis) that is spread from animal to animal by mosquitoes.  Though they can infect multiple species of mammals, even in rare cases humans, their definitive host is the dog.  Once infecting an animal, heartworms live in the heart and pulmonary arteries and can travel through the blood stream to other organs of the body.  Heartworms enter an animal as a tiny microscopic larva, but once mature, they can reach lengths of more than a foot!  These parasites cause terrible disease that can be fatal.

Q. What kind of heartworm prevention is available for my dog?
A. We recommend that your dog gets heartworm prevention year-round because this avoids error, and many products provide protection from other intestinal parasites as well.  The most common heartworm prevention is a flavored chewable pill that is given once a month.  At MAH, we offer Sentinel, which also controls flea populations, adult hookworm infections, and removes and controls adult roundworm and whipworm infections.  However, another option we now offer is the Proheart heartworm vaccine that lasts for 6 months!  This option is becoming more popular because it is quick and convenient.  It can be administered at your dog's bi-yearly check-up and also protects against hookworm.  With Proheart, you never have to forget to give pills ever again!

Call us at (516) 627-0057 to schedule an appointment at MAH and discuss the best hearworm prevention for you.

~Your friends at MAH

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