Monday, March 25, 2013

Q&A with MAH: Fleas

Q&A with MAH: Fleas

Q. What are fleas?

A.  Fleas are pesky little insects that feed off the blood of mammals and birds.  They can even attack us humans!  Fleas are parasites that like to live on our furry friends, especially cats, while causing them the discomfort of itchy skin.  Not only do their bites cause discomfort, but they can also carry a number of diseases and played a role in the outbreak of the bubonic plague.   These insects can't fly, but can jump as high as 7 inches and as far as 1 foot!  They can easily travel from one animal to another.

Q. What can I do to protect my pet from fleas?

A.  There are a number of things you can do to treat a pet with fleas but the best thing you can do for your pet is to use flea prevention to keep them from getting fleas in the first place.  Some pet parents think that their pets don't need flea prevention because their pet only goes outside once in a while.  However, if your pet has any contact with other animals, they are at risk of getting fleas.  Fleas on your pet means fleas in your house and one flea can quickly turn into thousands, making them a pain to get rid of.  The best thing for your pet's well-being, as well as yours, is to keep your pet on a preventative.  Many preventatives are broad-spectrum and can also protect against ticks, mosquitoes, and flies.  They last as long as a month and are administered simply with a dose on the skin.

Come visit us at Manhasset Animal Hospital for any questions or concerns you may have about your pet and fleas!

~Your friends at MAH

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